February 4, 2007
Truth is the greatest surgery. Lucky is the human being in whom this surgery happens from time to time, even though the protective mechanism in the separative consciousness tries to avoid it under one pretext or another.
Of late, our bodies underwent physical surgery too, without any anxiety or hesitation! A religious consciousness gathers energy, which constantly empties thoughts as also expels the thinker --- the illusory dichotomy inside. One is neither enamoured by nor inimical to any thought arising in this energy of equanimity. Nameless, so sublime and sacred, comes into being in this energy, which is not an experience!
Experience is limited. Knowledge derived from experience is limited. Memory storing this knowledge is limited. Thought which is response from memory is thus very limited. And the thinker, propped up by the network of thought and polluted by vanity and vested interest, cannot even adequately respond. Thinker reacts and creates horrors in relationships. There is no way out for the limited to touch the Unlimited. Thought and thinker must utterly cease, which is not amnesia, for the Unlimited understanding to be! All kinds of motives, subtle and gross, keep on distorting the thinker who continues under so many masks without ever coming to an end. But this ending must happen (not in the technical world) for a radical change in the psyche, which is again not an experience!
Time is danger! The moment we look to time to change, it is really a continuation of what has been. Me, the desire, continues through time. So-called religious authorities say that time is a means of mutation. But actually mutation is not possible through time. It happens by a benediction of blast, which is again not an experience! Change is a movement in non-movement of time! Change implies a state of consciousness that is not moving from one ''I'' to another ''I''.
See the shade. You can't change the shadow. But a light coming from somewhere can fade it away and even wipe it out. But we want to change the shadow, which is ourselves --- the mind! Awakening of Intelligence is the annihilation of the mind! Why do you surrender to an idea such as 'God', 'higher self', 'Son of God', saint, guru and so on? You do not surrender to sunshine. Do you? It is there!
A good brain has no shelter. It is not scattered. It is unshackled. It has no schedule. It is non-comparative, utterly free from rituals, beliefs and dogmas. It is wholly free in its own independence. It is a quality of love and compassion, which has Intelligence.
Lokesmin Dwivida Nistha
Pura Prokta Mayanagha
Gyanayogena Saamkhyanam
Karmayogena Yoginaam
(Bhagawat Gita III : 3)
Good brains are required for Swadhyay or Saamkhya. Practice is suitable in general. It is, therefore, good to be in practice without any pre-supposition about one's capability to understand Saamkhya.
Jai Sunshine