Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 112 - A letter to a French Mirabai living in England.




January 6, 2007


It is good to keep returning from the point of no return, it is good to be free from thoughts eventhough these are still made available for performing daily tasks, it is good to be in the humdrum of relationships inspite of the Holy hitting the body bringing about radical change and rebirth, it is good to be in solitude without being solitary, it is good to be alone without being lonely, it is good to be truth-oriented despite all the book-orientations, it is good to be in the inaction of the ''I'' without being idle, it is good to be in the bliss of awareness without the bondage of assumptions & ascriptions. Wisdom does not wield answers, but wipes out all stupid questions!


Identity whether with a personality or with ''All'' is still the shoddy little ''I'' and its utter magnification. Is it possible to be free of identities except as reference-points for practical reasons? University examinations are good, but retreat is better! Don't miss retreat and don't allow others to miss your loving self. Higher initiation will be available to you.


Shibendu had run into Nisargadatta in a congested & commoners' locality of Mumbai many years ago, just by chance and even tried to smoke a ''bidi'' with him without success. Nisargadatta was so charming like a jungle flower. He communicated spontaneously in his native language (which Shibendu knows due to his long working years in the region) without any gimmick and impressive phrases directly hitting the listeners like a jolt of lightening. Translations by a group of self-conceited and ego-amused ''devotees'' hardly conveyed anything of the phenomenon that was happening in Nisargadatta.


Many years later, Shibendu had an occasion to meet one of his followers who was merely a plastic flower in a high-rise building in the one of the elitist localities of Mumbai. He became quite popular among some neurotic ''spiritual seekers'' by selling ''God'' through ''concepts'' and ''conclusions'' and  by the tactics & tricks of interrogation and argumentation of a professional lawer that he was!


It would be enough to see if we ourselves are dreaming or so completely awake that there is no incomplete experience at all, in terms of positive or negative psychological registrations with all kinds of complicated residues and sediments getting accumulated in one's own consciousness. It is not necessary to bother about others dreaming their lives and pitying them, thus having a gratifying feeling that ‘I’  am holier than ‘thou’! There is validity in the external world of duality, but there is veracity in the internal word of non-duality wherein observer is the observed, experiencer is the experienced, controller is the controlled, problem-solver is the problem. Ego-emptiness is the eternal-entirety. 'It' comes to those to whom 'It' comes ! But 'It' also comes to those who do Kriya, so please continue Kriya unabated in wisdom without wanting anything! In fact, 'It' is already there in your being, there is no where to come from! Wanting prevents waking up to this fact.


Be truth-oriented, not book-oriented, not idea oriented, not oriented to what Ananda Mayi Ma, Ramskrishna, Ramana Maharshi, Sri Nisargadatta have said. Don't describe love; description is idea, not the described. Don't play, but participate in the celebration of the un-nameable already happening under the camouflage created by the seemingly incorrigible human separative consciousness. Wisdom or love or life does not tell anything to ''you'', it acts in your being, when ''you'' is not.





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