Sept. 26, 2006
Someone downloaded from Internet a book called ''Lahiri Mahasay's mystical path''. Looking through the book was an unceasing amazement. Truth has no direction and therefore no path. It is an action of perception, not activities of provocations from mystiques and myths under the banner of spirituality. Activities are undertaken to become something other than being and thus these becomings banish truth. Truth is not complicated and elaborate ''techniques'' formulated by the vulgarity of a cunning ego. Truth is not tradition. It is not handed down. It touches independently on each occasion when separation is surrendered for the sanctity to be. Authority on truth is the very denial of its authenticity. Examples and anecdotes have no place in it. It is the complete elimination of ''I'' – the separation. This freedom is the daily action of perception which is not an experience, an idea, an image or a shadow of ''I'' hiding behind all the stupid activities of the separative consciousness embodied in human beings.
Awareness can be so completely awake that there is no experience at all! The structure of experience, the framework of accumulated knowledge borrowed from others, the net-work of belief-systems and brain-washings, the platform of pretensions - paradoxes – perversions – paranoia, the dimension of divisions – deceptions – delusions – dilemma – duality, the construction of concepts – conclusions - conceits – conformity, all these beget and generate many multiples of experiences as conditioned reflexes and these experiences in turn, strengthen the structure, fortify the framework, nurture the net-work, promote the platform, develop the dimension, confirm the construction to acquire all kinds of psychological residues and sediments to perpetuate and give permanency to the illusion called ''I''! Reality is not an experience. If it is, it is no longer Reality, but only a reconstruction, refabrication, re-inforcement of the shoddy little ''I'' giving rise to reactions & resentments. Reality is eternal existence. God is not Reality. It is the ultimate greed and other garbages of the separative consciousness which you call ''mind'', ''I'', ''individuality'', ''personality'', ''will'', ''soul'' (waiting for the ''saviour''), ''ambition'', ''aspiration'', ''hope'', ''determination of a disciple'' (waiting for the ''guru'') and so on! Reality - Truth - What is - Being - Existence - Eternity - Life is the only God. There is no other God, no Chairman and Managing Director of Heaven company flaunting ''sacred'' scriptures through synagogues, churches, mosques, monastries and temples. Experience of ''What is'', is no longer ''What is''. It is merely an expectation of ''what should be''. Life, as ''tanmatra'' (perception) of hearing, does not care more for Bethoven's music than the barking of a dog! It is the snobbery of cultural elitism that makes one feel a proud attachment to a particular music! Synthesis of a personal experience in matters spiritual is the sacrilege of profound existence. Perhaps the Kriya community has never seen and will never see an ''intellectual'' prostitute in such enormity and magnitude masquerading as ''pedagogue'' dishing out ''didactics'' recommending designated routines for performance and thus spreading madness under the banner of Kriya yoga.
Experience of void is not void. It is the violence and vulgarity of vanity. Experiencer of still breath is the agitation of separative process of becoming. Experiencer of health is an unhealthy person, for health is existence and disease is the experience. Experiencer of peace is not peaceful. Experiencer of eternity and its marvel is entanglement with ego and mind. Stillness is not dullness. A mind made still is not a still mind! Life does not seek anything, it sees without any see-er. It has no curiosity. It is not available to excitement or boredom. It does not imagine, has no idea, opinion, obsession or obscurity. The experience of '''ecstasy'' and ''bliss'' in any ''spiritual'' practice is not even worth a shot or smoke in the narcotic drug market! Be aware of the experts in Kriya techniques and their opinions!
The body (life) is not interested in any craving, fear, dependency and the concomitant emotions, conflicts, frustrations, depression. It naturally throws all these out. Separation from life desperately sustains these contents of consciousness through the mechanism of duality in the embodied consciousness. Doing Kriyas according to one's own capacity without the doership, gives a helping hand to the life (body) so that its process of throwing out is expedited. Unfastening the knots in understanding is not possible through any mental undertaking of routines and rehearsals.