Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 067 - What is Mukti? What is Nirvana? What is Freedom?



RADHA-DESH, Petite Somme 5, 6940 Septon - Durby, Belgium. Bhima Ekadasi

30 Mai 2004


Eighteen perceptions are uttered again, by inspiration from Krishna - Universal Intelligence.

1) Freedom is the functioning of the whole brain, not restricting it to its present limit of ten to fifteen percent only. Is that love which awakens the whole brain ?

2) Memory and Intellect ( articulation of memory) is the computer of the brain. Mind (psychological pollution) and ego (perpetuation of mind) are the " virus " and the " worm " in this computer (brain).
Freedom from the '' virus '' (vanity and vested interests) and from the '' worm '' (wordy net-work and wickedness) is Mukti (salvation).

3) Separative Consciousness ( 'I', 'me', 'mine' ) is dominated by ambition, avariciousness, accumulation, acquisition, assertion, apprehension and thus it cannot be the domain of the divinity whose other name is Nirvana.

4) Split, separation, division, duality in human consciousness is the root cause of fragmentation at all levels of human existence. Freedom and peace of humanity has been sabotaged by this dillemma and duality of the partial functioning of the human brain. It is human brain, not my brain or your brain, not British brain or French brain, not American brain or African brain, not President's brain or Police-man's brain, but just human brain caught up in the same ground consciousness of craving for security, fear of insecurity, conflict, dependencies, pain, pleasure, sorrow, tears and laughters.
Denial of duality and division is the divinity. There is no other divinity. Holistic awareness is divine, is enlightenment. It is the absolute and unconditional Freedom.

5) Contents constitute consciousness and consciousness is its contents. 'I' is exactly the same consciousness. Ingradients of the 'I' are same as those of the consciousness which 'I' experiences. So it is not " my consciousness ", because "me" and "consciousness"are not two separate entities . The clandestine trick of separation by the age-old conditioning of the brain is the protective mechanism of the mind (virus) and ego (worm).It fortifies the fragmentation of the separative consciousness and breeds stubborn selfishness. Thereby begins the alienation in human affairs and the perception of the ground consciousness of humanity is vitiated. Otherwise, we are the world and the whole earth is ours. It is not Chinese earth or American earth ! This non-separative perception of life and love is Freedom, not the shoddy little concepts and conclusions of the mind and its mischiefs under the guise of love and compassion.

6) Cultural inputs and traditional conventions as also conditioning promote an individual "I" with a separate and distinct agenda for 'success' and 'salvation' through 'saviours' in accordance with different systems of belief-matrix. This is the hindrance to the realization of universality of the common ground consciousness of humanity. Fusion of this petty individuality is Freedom.

7) Split in consciousness, as 'me' and 'my consciousness', spreads into wider dimensions of human existence such as family, society, nation and international. And thereby arises the monstrous growth of 'I', 'I', 'I', and 'you', 'you', 'you', at every level with disastrous consequences. Freedom from this phenomenon is freedom indeed.

8) Final exaggeration of this duality is 'I' and 'God' which unfortunately becomes ' my' ultimate greed, gratification, guilt and gullibility. And humanity is destroyed in the 'holy war' in the name of God ! Directly comprehending all this without the cunning concepts of the mind, is Freedom and this is Godly though not 'God'.

9) Freedom is meditation. It is the ending of all measurements for the immeasurable to be.

10) Can brain stop recording psychological involvements in the knowledge acquired for technical purpose? Freedom from psychological residues and sediment brings about that freedom from the known wherein the known still exists for performing daily tasks.

11) Freedom is space in consciousness. When the consciousness is occupied, it ultimately becomes obssessed and obscured and thereby arises all kinds of problems. Pursuit for fulfillment in any form, noble or ignoble, narrows space and prevents generosity.

12) Freedom is the silence of the brain without any compulsive movement of thought. It is not a brain made silent, but just a silent brain without any effort whatsoever. And then, there is that which is sacred and full of beauty. This is the freedom from all beliefs, motives and images. In this explosion of freedom the eyes are made innocent and love then is benediction.

13) Awareness without classification is freedom. This awareness does not belong to thought and thinker. Thinker is the past with all the prejudices and pretensions, with all choices and classifications, with arguments and assertions. Awareness is here and now. There is then the nameless revealing that has immense significance for whole humanity, not merely for 'you' and 'I'.

14) In freedom, seeing is action of life. Seeking is only bondage and thus an activity of the mind. Action of perception is freedom.

15) Freedom is the ending of all mania and mutterings of yesterday. It is cleansing of all the rubbish that the mind-ego matrix has accumulated. Yoga, as physical fitness program, can not bring about this freedom.

16) Only in freedom, you begin to understand the necessity of living with yourself as you are, not as you think you should be or as you have been.

17) Freedom is to look at yourself without any onlooker, any tremor, any false modesty, any fear, any justification or condemnation, without splitting the consciousness into 'higher self' and 'lower self'. This is Swadhyay.

18) Freedom is anonymous and alone. It is the courage to question everything vigorously throwing away all ulterior motives. Freedom is the ending of all disorder in the psyche.

Hari Bol, Hari Bol, Hari Hari Bol,
Mukund Madhav Govinda Bol.



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