Aug. 27, 2006
Twentieth century saw explosion of science and technology. Ninety percent of the scientists belong to the century. Hardly ten percent of them lived before. If we say that scientific attitude and technical expertise began, say, ten thousand years ago; from that point of time upto the end of nineteeth century, perhaps only ten percent scientists and technocrats were born. And ninety percent of them emerged in the twentieth century! It was indeed a bloom! But the separative and divisive processes in the human consciousness continue unabated giving rise to a monstrous class of priests producing witchcraft and confusion under the banner of theology of ''religions'' as also to a most criminal coterie of politicians producing wars and conflicts through the thuggery of ''reforms'' and '' revolutions''. Now, if the perversions of narrow religions propagated by the priests and the poisons of nasty nationalism popularised by the politicians do not push the whole humanity to commit a global suicide through a nuclear holocaust, a tremendous potential is already knocking the door of humanity!
May be, only ten percent of Masters and Mystics, Sufis and Saints, Rishis and Munis, Krishnas and Kabirs, Buddhas and Jesuses, Lahiris and Lao-Tzus, Nanaks and Nayanars, Muhammads and Mansurs, Maitreyas and Moses, Abrahams and Avadhutas and so on, lived upto the end of twentieth century! And may be, ninety percent of them would emerge in the twentyfirst century due to a radical change and a fundamental transformation that may occur in human consciousness demolishing the neurological defect which develops dualities and divisions without touching the truth of Divinity and its tremendous diversity and creativity.
Priests and politicians are blocking this possibility by promoting their ''Gods'' and garbages of gratifications. Their gatherings and glorifications are full of fear, agitation and sorrow under many holy concepts and high sounding phrases. And they give to others what they have! Only sorrow and suffering, fear and frustration, self-pity and self-hate, guilt and gullibility through their institutions and organisations under the slogans of religious reforms, economic reform, social reforms and political reforms! These so-called V.I.Ps will never lend their ears to listen to the voice of sanity. They are deeply asleep (like the mythological demon ''Kumbhakarna'') in their ambition, assertion, arrogance and assumptions; in their paranoid pursuits and paradoxes, in their perverted process of becoming, bigottery and battles.
But common people have started listening already. They are getting blasted and released from the bondages and burdens of splits in the consciousness. They are getting dis-illusioned from the sermons on the mount and from the phoney baloneys of the spiritual and political super-markets. Contents of the consciousness in them are not conjuring up an illusory fragmentation called ''I'' to control the contents and creating further confusion in the fragmentary consciousness. And the awakening of Intelligence, to which the body is connected, is already taking place. Dawn is happening, bringing to an end the darkness in the embodied consciousness confined within the neurotic phenomenon of separations, splits, ideas, images, concepts, conflicts, opposites, obscurities, fragmentations, fears, divisions, delusions and stinking garbages of the greed. From this freedom will wake up many Buddhas and Krishnamurtis and ninety percent of awakened human beings may fill up the twenty first century, just as ninety percent of scientists were found in the twentieth century! And this planet Earth may then be a paradise. Majority of the free people will not be available for brain-washing and exploitation by a few ones in power, possessions, positions and prominence. Scientists have made a quantitative change in human lives. Awakened ones will bring about a qualitative change through a state of freedom (not fragmentation) in the consciousness which is to burn down the separative consciousness and turn it into the ashes of awakening. That is why the ultimate mantra is ''Tryambakam Yajamahe''. Ideas must be burnt down for the Intelligence to be, for the Immortality to be. There is no such separate thing called ''I'' anywhere except in the armour of ideas. ''I'' has to end, not by any decision, or discipline. It ceases only in the flame of passive attention, not in the fragmentation of protracted affirmations.