(continuation from Message 64)
86th Verse (7 names) |
87th Verse (10 names) |
88th Verse (9 names) |
89th Verse (9 names) |
90th Verse (12 names) |
91st Verse (10 names) |
92nd Verse (10 names) |
93rd Verse (9names) |
94th Verse (10 names) |
95th Verse (10 names) |
96th Verse (10 names) 1. Sanata: Eternity (896) 2. Sanatanatama: Eternal most (897) 3. Kapil: Sage Kapil (of Samkhya philosophy ) (898) 4. Kapi : Hanuman (899) 5. Avyaya: Without any ending (900) 6. Swastida: Bestowing comfort and convenience (901) 7. Swastikrit: Generating comfort (902) 8. Swasti: Well-being and wellness (903) 9. Swastibhuk: Desire for well-being (904) 10. Swastidakshina: Blessings for well-beings (905) |
97th Verse (9 names) 1. Aroudra: Non-anger (906) 2. Kundali: Having earrings (907) 3. Chakri: Having a discus (908) 4. Vikrami: Mighty (909) 5. Urjita-shasana: Energy of governance (910) 6. Shabdatiga: Beyond all words (911) 7. Shabdasaha: Yet co-operating with words (912) 8. Shishir: Snowy and silent (913) 9. Sharbarikar: Obscuring (914) |
98th Verse (8 names) 1. Akrur: No cruelty (915) 2. Peshal: Compassionate (916) 3. Daksha: Expert (917) 4. Dakshina: Offerings (to guru) (918) 5. Kshaminamvara: Blissful forgiveness (919) 6. Vidwattama: Wisest of all (920) 7. Veetabhaya: Freedom for fear (921) 8. Punya-shravana-kirtan: Listening to pious melody (922) |
99th Verse (9 names) 1. Uttaran: Relief from attachments (923) 2. Duskrititha: Destroyer of bad karmas (924) 3. Punya: Very sacred (925) 4. Duswapna-naashan: Vanishing of nightmares (bad dreams) (926) 5. Veeraha: Mighty vanquished (927) 6. Rakshan: (Thus) protecting (928) 7. Sant: Saint (929) 8. Jivan: Living quality (930) 9. Paryavasthita: Ecological balance (931) |
100th Verse (9 names) 1. Anantarupa: Image of infinity (932) 2. Anantashri: beauty of infinity (933) 3. Jeetamanyu: Mind vanquished (934) 4. Bhayapaha: Fear Vanquished (935) 5. Chaturashra: Residing in comprehension (936) 6. Gabhiratma: Deep Insight (937) 7. Vidisha: Towards direction (938) 8. Vyadisha: Anti-direction (939) 9. Disha: Direction (940) |
101st Verse (9 names) 1. Anadi: Without an origin(941) 2. Bhurbuva: Gross as well as subtle (942) 3. Laxmi: Prosperity (943) 4. Suvir: Supreme savior (944) 5. Ruchiramgada: Having attractive armlets (945) 6. Janana: cause (946) 7. Janajanmadi: Chain of cause and effect (947) 8. Bhim: Yet robust (and outside the chain ) (948) 9. Bhimparakram: Robustness par exellence i.e totally |
102nd Verse (9 names) 1. Adharnilay: Fundamental existence (950) 2. Dhata: Carrier (951) 3. Puspahas: Smiling flower (952) 4. Prajagar: Compassion for all subjects (953) 5. Urdhwag: Adherence to highest truth of "what is" (954) 6. Satpathachar: Nerver deviating from "what is" (955) 7. Pranada: Lifer manifested (956) 8. Pranava: Cosmic sound (Om) (957) 9. Pana: Commitment to truth i.e "what is" (958) |
103rd Verse (8 names) 1. Praman: Evidence of "what is" (959) 2. Pran-nilay: Residing in all living entities (960) 3. Pranbhrit: Fulfillment in living (961) 4. Pranjivan: Living quality of life (962) 5. Tatwa: Essence of "what is" (963) 6. Tatwavid: Knowing the essence and thus freeing from "what is" (964) ["what is" is truth, "what should be" is only an idea about truth] 7. Ekatma: One-ness (965) 8. Janma-mrityu-jara-tiga: Transcending birth-death-aging |
104th Verse (9 names) 1. Bhurbuvahswastaruh: Nectar of life in the 3 dimensions of gross,subtle and self. (967) 2. Taara: Setting free absolutely and unconditionally from the shackles of separative consciousness (968) 3. Savita: Enlightenment (968) 4. Prapitamaha: Great grandfather (970) 5. Yajna: Sacrifice (of all motives) (971) 6. Yajnapati: Receiver of sacrifice (972) 7. Yajwaa: Also the performer (973) 8. Yajnanga: Embodiment of sacrifice (974) 9. Yajna-vaahan: Carrier of sacrifice (975) |
105th Verse (9 names) 1. Yajnabhrit: Encouraging sacrifice (976) 2. Yajnakrit: Making sacrifice (977) 3. Yajni: Sacrifice in itself (978) 4. Yajnabhuk: Hungry for sacrifice (979) 5. Yajnasaadhan: Practice of sacrifice (980) 6. Yajnantakrit: Completion of sacrifice (981) 7. Yajnaguhyam: Secret of sacrifice (982) 8. Annam: Food (983) 9. Annaad: Provider of food (984) |
106th Verse (8 names) 1. Atmayoni: One is one's own womb (no dichotomy between Creator and Creation) (985) 2. Swayamjaata: One born by oneself (986) 3. Vaikhan: One freed from bondage (987) 4. Saamagaayan: Melody of non-duality (988) 5. Devakinandan: Krishna (989) 6. Srastaa: Creator (& Creation) (990) 7. Ksitish: Earth's Supreme (991) 8. Paapanaashan: Vanishing of papa (i.e mind) (992) |
107th Verse (8 names) 1. Shankhabrit: Holding conch shell (awakening of mind) (993) 2. Nandakee: Bestowing tremendous bliss (994) 3. Chakri: Holding the wheels(of life and death) (995) 4. Shaangardhanwa: Holding the bow (attention of "what is" ) (996) 5. Gadaadhar: Holding the club(defense from "what should be") (997) 6. Rathaangapaani: Singing melody (998) 7. Akshobhya: No resentment (or repentence) (999) 8. Sarvapraharanaayudha: Ready with energy in all moments and situations to face "what is"(1000) |
108th Verse (concluding invocation to the un-nameable)
Vanamaali Gadi Padmi Shankhi Chakri Cha Nandaki| ShrimanNarayano Vishnur Vasudevo-bhirakshatu || |
Om Namah Iti
[Vishnu Sahasranaam Completed]