31st Verse (7 names)
1. Amritanshud bhav : Source of all aspects of immortality (283) 2. Bhanu : Shining gloriously (284) 3. Shasabindu : Ultimate point (285) 4. Sureshwar : Divinity of the divine (286) 5. Aushadh : Healing plants (287) 6. Jagatsetu : Bridge between eternal and ephemeral (288) 7. Satya dharma parakrama : Unyielding in adherence to 'what is' (289)
32nd Verse (10 names)
1. Bhuta bhavya bhavan nath : Lord of past, present and future (290) 2. Pavan : Wind (291) 3. Paavan : Sacredness (292) 4. Anal : Fire (293) 5. Kamaha : Freedom from desire (294) 6. Kamkrit : Fulfilment of desire (295) 7. Kant : Attractive (296) 8. Kama : Desire (297) 9. Kamaprada : Generating desire (298) 10. Prabhu : Master (299)
33rd Verse (8 names)
1. Vugadikrit : Creation of time (300) 2. Yugavartah : Wheels of time (301) 3. Naika maya : Freedom from attachment (302) 4. Mahashan : Devourer (303) 5. Adrishya : Invisible (304) 6. Vyaktarupa : Yet expresses in forms (305) 7. Sahasrajit : Conqueror of thousands (306) 8. Anantajit : Conqueror of infinity (307)
34th Verse (10 names)
1. Ishta : Welfare (308) 2. Vishista : Very special (309) 3. Shistesta : Cool and collected (310) 4. Shikhandi : Peacock feather crown (311) 5. Nahusha : Illusory (312) 6. Vrisha : Firmness (313) 7. Krodhaha : Destroyer of anger (314) 8. Krodhakrit karta : Producer of angry activities (315) 9. Vishwa bahu : Arms of the universe (316) 10. Mahidhar : Foundation of great ones (317)
35th Verse (9 names )
1. Achyut : Cannot be uprooted (318) 2. Prathita : Foremost (319) 3. Prana : Respiration (320) 4. Pranada : Generator of respiration (321) 5. Vasavanuj : Generator of wealth (322) 6. Apamnidhi : Ocean (323) 7. Adhisthan : Foundation (of existence) (324) 8. Apramatta : Without error (325) 9. Pratisthita : Well-established (326)
36th Verse (9 names)
1. Skanda : Commander of divine army (327) 2. Skandadhar : Protector of commander (328) 3. Dhurya : Beyond holding (329) 4. Varada : Boon-giver (330) 5. Vayuvahan : Wind carrier (331) 6. Vasudeva : Existence supreme (332) 7. Vrihad bhanu : Immense light (333) 8. Adideva : Prime divinity (334) 9. Purandar : Demon destroyer (335)
37th Verse (10 names)
1. Ashok : Devoid of grief (336) 2. Taran : Liberation (337) 3. Tarah : Liberator (338) 4. Shurah : Strong (339) 5. Shourah : Strength (340) 6. Janeshwar : Lord of masses (341) 7. Anukul : Friendly (342) 8. Shatavart : Re-appears a hundred times (343) 9. Padmi : Lotus-bearer (344) 10. Padma nibhekshan : Watching through a lotus eye (345)
38th Verse (9 names)
1. Padma nabh : Lotus-navelled (346) 2. Aravindaksha : Lotus-eyed (347) 3. Padma garbha : Lotus-wombed (348) 4. Sharirbhrit : Dwelling in the body (349) 5. Maharddhi : Unquestionable sovereignty (350) 6. Riddha : Expansive (351) 7. Vriddhatma : Antiquity (352) 8. Mahaksha : Large eyes (353) 9. Garuda dhwaja : Bird-Garuda-flagged (354)
39th Verse (8 names)
1. Atul : Incomparable (355) 2. Sharabh : Light in oneself (356) 3. Bhim : Terrible (357) 4. Samay-jna : Knower of time (freedom from time) (358) 5. Havirhari : Remover of depressions, disappointments and destitution (359) 6. Sarva lakshana lakshanya : Definition of all definitions (360) 7. Laxmivan : Supreme prosperity (361) 8. Samitinjay : Always victorious (362)
40th Verse (10 names)
1. Vikshara : Does not decay (363) 2. Rohit : Reddish appearance (364) 3. Marg : The only way (to go) (365) 4. Hetu : The only inspiration (to have) (366) 5. Damodar : (Rope tied around waist) The only determination (to pursue) (367) 6. Sah : All enduring (268) 7. Mahidhar : All supporting (369) 8. Mahabhag : All luck (370) 9. Vegavan : All speed (371) 10. Amitashan : All appetite (372)
41st Verse (11 names)
1. Udbhava : (From whom) All born (373) 2. Kshobhan : All shining (374) 3. Deva : All divinity (375) 4. Shrigarbha : Womb of prosperity (376) 5. Parameshwar : Par-excellent wholeness (377) 6. Karan : Instrument (378) 7. Kaaran : Cause (379) 8. Karta : Doer (380) 9. Vikarta : Non-doer (381) 10. Gahan : Dense (382) 11. Guha : Hidden (383)
42nd Verse (10 names)
1. Vyavasay : Dedication to 'what is' (384) 2. Vyavasthan : Dedicated to order (385) 3. Sansthan : Institution (386) 4. Sthanada : Provider of space (387) 5. Dhruva : Aim determined (pole star) (388) 6. Parardhi : Majesty par-excellence (389) 7. Paramaspasta : Highest clarity (390) 8. Tusta : Contented (391) 9. Pushta : Nourished (392) 10. Shubekshan : Auspicious glance (393)
43rd Verse (11 names)
1. Ram : Awareness manifested (394) 2. Viram : Rest (in awareness) (395) 3. Viraj : Freedom from desire (396) 4. Marg :: Path (397) 5. Neya : Showing the path (398) 6. Nayah : Movement on the path (399) 7. Anayah : Non-movement (400) 8. Vir : Hero (401) 9. Shaktimat-shrestha : Full of best energy (402) 10. Dharma : Perfect order (403) 11. Dharma viduttama : Par excellent perception of perfect order (404)
44th Verse (11 names )
1. Vaikunth : Holy abode (405) 2. Purusha : Pure intelligence (406) 3. Prana : Breath (407) 4. Pranada : Bestower of breath (408) 5. Pranava : Cosmic sound, sound of silence (OM) (409) 6. Prithu : King of Earth (410) 7. Hiranya garbha : Dazzling depth (411) 8. Shatrughna : Destroyer of enemies (412) 9. Vyapta : Wide-spread (413) 10. Vayu : Breeze (414) 11. Adhokshaj : No sensuality (only sensory perception) (415)
45th Verse (10 names)
1. Ritu : Seasons (416) 2. Sudarshan : Seeing 'What is' (417) 3. Kaal : Time eternal (418) 4. Paramesthi : Supreme aspiration (419) 5. Parigraha : Receiver (420) 6. Ugra : Fierce (421) 7. Samvatsar : All the years of living (422) 8. Daksha : Expertise (423) 9. Vishram : Relaxation (424) 10. Vishwa dakshin : Universal donation (425)
46th Verse (9 names)
1. Vistar : Expansion or extension (to infinity) (426) 2. Sthavar sthanu : Resides in hymns and chants (427) 3. Praman : Proof (428) 4. Veejama vyay : Permanent (un-withering) seed (429) 5. Artha : Concept (430) 6. Anartha : No concept (431) 7. Mahakosh : Major cover (432) 8. Mahabhog : Major consumption (433) 9. Mahadhan : Major wealth (434)
47th Verse (10 names)
1. Anirvinna : Untiring (435) 2. Sthavistha : Established in perception (not concepts) (436) 3. Abhu : Not experience (437) 4. Dharma yupa : Pillar of sacrifice (438) 5. Mahamakha : Major sacrifice (439) 6. Nakshatra nemi : Light of the stars (440) 7. Nakshatri : Lord of the stars (441) 8. Kshama : Ability (442) 9. Kshaama : Infinity-resident (Infinite existence) (443) 10. Samihan : Full of courtesy (444)
48th Verse (10 names)
1. Yajna : Sacrifice (or worship) for connection (union or yoga) (445) 2. Ijya : Worthy of worship (446) 3. Mahejya : Most worthy of worship (446) 4. Kratu : Altar of worship (448) 5. Satra : Place of worship (449) 6. Satangati : Pious movements in worship (450) 7. Sarva darshi : Seeing the whole (451) 8. Vimuktatma : Absolute spiritual freedom (452) 9. Sarvajna : Perceiving the whole (453) 10. Jnana muttam : Highest wisdom (454)
49th Verse (10 names)
1. Suvrata : Good commitments (455) 2. Sumukha : Good face (direction) (456) 3. Sukshma : Subtle (457) 4. Sughosh : Good sound (458) 5. Sukhada : Generating happiness (459) 6. Suhrit : Good friend (460) 7. Manohara : Dissolving mind (461) 8. Jita krodha : Conquering anger (462) 9. Virbahu : Heroic arms (463) 10. Vidaran : Evil vanished and vanquished (464)
50th Verse (10 names)
1. Swapan : Maya (delusion) (465) 2. Swavash : Independent (466) 3. Vyapi : Vast (467) 4. Naikatma : Neither one nor many (468) 5. Naikakarma krit : Neither doer nor non-doer (469) 6. Vatsar : Abode (470) 7. Vatsal : Affection (not attachment) (471) 8. Vatsi : Source of affection (compassion) (472) 9. Ratna garbha : Womb of jewels (473) 10. Dhaneshwar : Divine wealth (474)
51st Verse (11 names)
1. Dharma gupta : Secret of religion (475) 2. Dharma krit : Practice of religion (476) 3. Dharmi : Practitioner of religion (established in religion) (477) 4. Sat : Truth (existence) (478) 5. Asat : Non-truth (experience) (479) 6. Kshara : Perishable (480) 7. Akshara : Imperishable (481) 8. Avijnata : Unknowable (482) 9. Sahasranshu : Thousands of parts (483) 10. Vidhata : Holding all parts (484) 11. Krita lakshan : Author of all tendencies (gunas) (485)
52nd Verse (8 names)
1. Gabhsti nemi : Light of all lights (486) 2. Satwastha : Established in truth (487) 3. Simha : Lion (fearlessness) (488) 4. Bhuta-Maheshwar : Supreme lord of all existence (489) 5. Adideva : Foremost divinity (490) 6. Mahadeva : Major godliness (491) 7. Davesh : Whole divinity (492) 8. Deva bhridguru : Greatest protector of the divine phenomenon (493)
53rd Verse (9 names)
1. Uttar : Answer (494) 2. Gopati Lord of light (495) 3. Gopta : Hidden (496) 4. Jnan-gamya : Movement of wisdom (497) 5. Puratan : Ancient (498) 6. Sharir bhuta bhrit : Protection of the elements of the body (499) 7. Bhokta : Consumer (500) 8. Kapindra : Lord of monkeys (501) 9. Bhuri dakshina : Generous donations to charity (502)
54th Verse (10 names)
1. Somapa : Drinking nectar of devotion (503) 2. Amritapa : Drinking nectar of immortality (504) 3. Soma : Moon of devotion (505) 4. Purujit : Total victory (506) 5. Purushottam : Total consciousness (507) 6. Vinay : Humility (508) 7. Jay : Victory (509) 8. Satya sandha : Search for truth (510) 9. Daashaarha : Receives offerings (511) 10. Satwatampati : Lord of all beings (512)
55th Verse (8 names)
1. Jiva : Living beings (513) 2. Vinayita sakshi : Humble witness (514) 3. Mukunda : Liberator (515) 4. Amita vikram : Immeasurable organisation (516) 5. Ambho nidhi : Fund of devotion (517) 6. Anantatma : Infinite being (518) 7. Maho dadhishaya : Resting on the ocean of beings (519) 8. Antaka : Dissolution of creation (520)
56th Verse (10 names)
1. Aja : Never born, never dies (521) 2. Maharha : Most worthy of worship (522) 3. Swaa bhaavya : Established in natural state & attitude (523) 4. Jita mitra : Prevailing friendship (524) 5. Pramodan : Always delighted (525) 6. Anand : Bliss (526) 7. Nandan : Child (527) 8. Nanda : Joy (528) 9. Satya dharma : Gathering of energy to see 'What is' (529) 10. Trivikram : Organisation of three worlds (swarga, martya, patal) (530)
57th Verse (7 names)
1. Maharshi kapilacharya : Great rishi teacher Kapil (Samkhya philosophy) (531) 2. Kritajna : Gratefulness (532) 3. Medinipati : Owner of this earth (533) 4. Tripad : Having three legs (534) 5. Tridashaa dhyaksha : Lord of three states (two opposites-duality-mind and liberation which is 'no-mind') (535) 6. Maha shringa : Having a great horn (to wake humans from maya) (536) 7. Kritaanta krit : Absorption of all emanation (537)
58th Verse (9 names)
1. Maha varaaha : Great boar (538) 2. Govind : One-pointed light ray (539) 3. Sushen : Good physician (doctor) (540) 4. Kanakaangadi : Having gold ornaments on arms (541) 5. Guhya : Cave (542) 6. Gabhira : Depth (543) 7. Gahana : Impenetrable (544) 8. Gupta : Secrecy (545) 9. Chakra gadaadhara : Holding discus and club (546)
59th Verse (11 names)
1. Vedhaa : Ultimate in the universe (547) 2. Swanga : Embodiment of the disembodied (548) 3. Ajit : Undefeatable (549) 4. Krishna : Flute playing (550) 5. Drirha : But firm (551) 6. Samkarshan-ochyuta : Absorption of the infinite (552) 7. Varun : Rays of the setting sun (553) 8. Vaarun : Son of Varun (Agastya) (554) 9. Vriksha : Tree (555) 10. Pushkaraksha : Protection of the essence of nourishment (556) 11. Mahamana : Supreme consciousness 557)
60th Verse (9 names)
1. Bhagawan : Divine Lord (558) 2. Bhagaha : Dissolver Lord (559) 3. Anandi : Deliverer of bliss (560) 4. Vanamali : Cultivator of forest (561) 5. Halayndha : Puller of plough (562) 6. Aditya : Unparallel light (563) 7. Jyoti raditya : Dazzling light without parallel (564) 8. Sahishnu : Delightfully tolerant (565) 9. Gati sattama : Movement of 'what is' (not 'what should be') (566)
61st Verse (7 names)
1. Sudhanwa : Very wealthy (567) 2. Khanda parashu : Fragmentation (568) 3. Daarun : Climax (569) 4. Dravin prada : Bestower of freedom (570) 5. Divahsprik : Imparting divine light (571) 6. Sarva drikvyas : Most wise among wise (572) 7. Vachaspati-Ayonija : Unique autonomous oration (573)
62nd Verse (12 names)
1. Trisama : Song of the three harmony (574) 2. Saamaga : Singer of songs (575) 3. Saama : Saam veda (closest to Vedanta) (576) 4. Nirvana : Supreme freedom (577) 5. Bhesaj : Cure for all maladies (578) 6. Bhishak : Curer of all maladies (579) 7. Sannyaskrit : Action of renunciation (580) 8. Shama : Equilibrium (581) 9. Shanta : Peaceful (582) 10. Nistha : Dedication (583) 11. Shanti : Peace (584) 12. Paraayan : Destination on ultimate (585)