26 July, 2006
Public talk at Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, on 30 May 2005
at 18.30 in the conference hall of Hotel Vereya.
Kriyabans of Bulgaria desired that the above talk be put up in the web-site. As the talks always happen on the spot without any pre-conceived notes or preparations, they were requested to send a transcript to the extent possible from the tape-recordings. Mistakes and errors (due to the fault of the recording instrument as also due to the Indian accent of the speaker and listeners' not-so-efficient handling of the English language) have been duly edited before presenting this talk as message 101.
The speaker has been coming to this beautiful town since 2001, but last year he missed as he had to visit another town instead. It was indeed the missing of the joy of being with some of the most dedicated Kriyabans of Bulgaria which is 'Sushumna' between East and West. This evening we may go into a very serious human problem step by step.
Why human beings live in the way they do ? With all this ache, agony, aggression and antagonism ? Why this everlasting pressure of anticipation, ambition, acquisitive and accumulative urges ? Why is human consciousness ridden by all kinds of prejudices, superstitions, stories and surmises, myths and miracle-mongering, belief-systems and bigotry, stupid habits and hang-ups, ideas and idiocyncracies, opinions and obsessions, pretensions and paradoxes, even perversions and paranoia ? Why the inherent & concealed fear, subtle or gross, control and dominate all human activities which are merely reactions from past concepts and conclusions, not actions from direct perceptions and comprehension ? Why volumes are written in the spiritual market about God and what should humans do to approach him ? Is not the basis of it all fear ? And as long as one is afraid, is it possible for one to find anything real ? Why we run into all kinds of philosophy --- that of Popes, of Bertrand Russell, of Marx, of Mao Tse Tung, of Judaism, of Islam, of Jean Paul Sartre, of Rene Descartes and so on ? Can a true lover of life, who is totally free, have a philosophy produced by mind and its vanity & vested interests ? Why are human beings not available to a living understanding, but only to dead mental undertakings ? Why do they only obey or disobey, but do not understand ? Why humans are always in conflict, almost without any clarity, at every level of their existence ---- in oneself, in family, in society, in politics, in economics, in culture, within the nations, in international affairs ? What is this ''United Nations'' which remains a helpless and mute spectator in international conflicts ? It can not do anything when unilateral war is imposed to convert one country into an oil-pumping-station of another powerful country, inspite of world-wide protests, under the pretext of WMD whereas such weapons are multiplied and hoarded by several bully-nations themselves, under full immunity, to the menace of the whole humanity and other living beings of our planet. In fact, nation means division. Thus ''United Nations'' would mean united divisions. Is it not a contradiction in terms to which all the 'best minds' of the world remain totally oblivious in a state of utter hypocrisy, hoax and humbug ? U. N. must mean ''Understanding No-Nation'', because it is our Earth belonging to all living beings including the trees. It is not American Earth or Arab Earth, British Earth or Chinese Earth, French Earth or Spanish Earth. It is not Indian brain or Japanese brain or African brain. It is human brain. It is same everywhere. Just like dog's brain, cat's brain, pigeon's brain, sparrow's brain --- same all over despite diversity. Life is diversity. But separative process arising from psychological registrations and investments generates divisions and fragmentations in human consciousness.
We have a unique body, yet we are not individuals ! In fact, individual means indivisible --- we are the whole humanity. It is not an ideal. Ideals are brutal things --- all ''I'', ''I'', ''I'' --- utter selfishness under a 'holy' garb ! It is a fact that whole humanity is one despite tremendous diversity. ''I'' may be there as a reference-point, as an identity-point, as a co-ordinator of technical facts around ; but not as a continuity phenomenon of psychological residues and sediments. Mind which is the virus of vanity and vested interests due to all kinds of psychological upheavals and entanglements, is the enemy of life. You are life, you are not mind. Freedom from the experiences of the mind is the joyful existence of life. Life is never born, nor does it ever die. Only a body connected with life, takes birth and death and generates an embodied consciousness. This connection (Kathopanishad) is the only soul, not the shoddy little illusion ''I'' resulting from the fragmentation in human consciousness and imagining itself as soul (atma) to give itself continuity and permanency. And then it projects a ''Supreme soul'' (God or paramatma) with which this fictitious fragmentation ''I'' will merge one day in its everlasting illusion and compulsion of becoming the ''highest'' --- thus never touching the fact of existential being and its bliss of illumined comprehension.
Why human beings live in illusions, artificial ideals & belief-disbelief systems ? Why during the last over five thousand years, there has never been a single day without war and wanton murders & devastations in some or the other part of this planet ? Why humans have always propped up tyrant kings, emperors, leaders and gleefully appreciated their vulgar victories and the horrors of killing millions ? Is it not possible to have a fundamental transformation or radical change in human consciousness resurrecting a whole man, a total man without a trace of fragmentation ? It is possible because this planet is blessed by the whole men with the ecstasy of total emptiness like Buddha, Jesus, Kabir, Nanak, Kapilacharya, Patanjali, Vyasa, Badrayana, Krishna, Lahiri Mahasay and by many other Avadhutas who remained anonymous & incognito. They walked on the surface of this beautiful planet despite all the destructive activities of the monstrous priests and politicians.
Speaker does not formulate ideas and tries to convince you with his ideas. He only transmits energy of understanding without the pollution of mental undertakings. Ideas are organised to serve the ego of the heirarchy of an organization or to foment a ''revolution'' which is merely a modified continuity of the same old ''I'', ''I'', ''I'' of the leaders of ''revolution'' who are now in for a new kind of havoc and exploitation ! Kriyabans with the energy of understanding do not have an organization, although they are organized themselves to perform their daily tasks with excellence and perfection without any interference from psychological pollution. They do not behave like a mafia under the pretext of being religious or spiritual. Vitality and virtue of veracity, not the illusion and pollution of ideas, makes you a rebel --- a radical transformation from mind to life, from concept to comprehension, from undertakings to understanding. You are then not a ''revolutionary'' with his game of grabbing power, possession, position and prominence. As a rebel, you are Jesus Christ or Buddha. As a ''revolutionary'', you are Alexander ''the great'', Chengiz Khan, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and such other demons.
So let us together go into ourselves very seriously. We may discover and share a profound understanding of the neurological defect in the human brain which splits, separates and divides. This division, this fragmentation, is the crisis in human consciousness. Freedom from division is the flowering of divinity. And that is the whole human being without the crisis of fragmentation. The basic camp of the contents of consciousness comprise of technical & factual memories which enable us to function adequately and appropriately according to practical day to day situations. But psychological contamination in the facts brings about inadequacy and partiality in response due to the formation of ''I''with its images and motives. For example, I have to register in the memory my house, my costumes, my food, my particular cultural pattern during my upbringing factually so that I am not a misfit, I do not enter into a wrong house, do not eat wrong food, put on right clothes and so on. But psychological registration thereof create images and conditioning to generate comparison, competition and conflict as also imitation, following and becoming.
Now, the body-based consciousness is constituted entirely by the net-work of its contents with all its divisions, classifications, opposites, splits, fragmentations. And this net-work generates yet another super fragmentation calling it as ''I'' and imagining it as separate and outside the net-work ! But the net-work of ''I'' and the net-work of the basic camp are exactly same. There are no two ! Yet the separation sustains the two, multiplying and fortifying each other creating endless complexities, confusion and chaos. And the whole life is wasted in the mania and miasma of the ''I'' in its illusion of conforming and becoming and in its paradox of gratification, grandisement and glorification. This is the crisis in human consciousness moving round and round in a petty dimension producing conflicts and suffering at every level of human affairs. There is no way out for this limited embodied consciousness to wake up to the energy of disembodied Universal Intelligence (Chiti-Shakti) unless the life in the body (not mind-intellect) perceives the fiction known as ''I''. One of the basic constituent of the body-based consciousness is fear. It is enough to understand fear without trying to manipulate or change it through ''I'' (which is also fear), then what you are (fear) undergoes a radical transformation . Then one gets rid of fear, not merely re-adjusts it. Life in the body then wakes up to Intelligence (Chaitanya) which is not an experience to be stored up in the shoddy little memory as ''knowledge''. Freedom from the known and knowledge is Advaita Vedanta. In mathematics, out of two if one goes, one still remains. But in spiritual mathematics when one (''I'') goes, the other one (basic content which propped up the ''I'') also vanishes. This emptiness is wholeness and holiness --- absolute and unconditional freedom of life in the body from the strangle-hold of the separative consciousness. Only this can bring an end to all crises in human affairs at all levels and there can be a paradise on this planet. All this is the message of Kriya Yoga in Swadhyay, Tapas and Ishwara Pranidhan which is miniature Saankhya, Yoga and Vedanta.