Being issued from 59 Observatory Avenue, Observatory, Johannesburg, South Africa
Happy Diwali, 25 October 2003
Satguru is a process, a phenomenon. He is not a personality, not a perversion of pride and pretentiousness. He does not tell stories about how his prominence and potentials were noticed and announced by great ones during his childhood, how his 'purity' and 'piousness' was recognised by those who are in powerful positions and possessions. Satguru does not propagate that even his parents bowed down to him and received initiation from him, overwhelmed by his 'divinity'. Satguru need not do any window-dressing by special costumes, robes, badges, head-wears, hair styles or head shaves, special marks on forehead and nose, by various lengths of beard, glamour of his seat, palanquin and umbrella designs.
Satguru would want men in order which means ending of all disorders and disharmony, not men to order for serving his fiefdom. Satguru undo-es your fictitious "you-ness" and thus re-do-es your realself. He provokes you to lose your unreal ego-centre to find the real bliss of centering without any psychological residue or sediment. But you are afraid of being undone and thus you run into phony gurus who keep you amused and entertained in your goings-on and garbage of the mind. And the Godliness inside your body (life)-cells is left languishing in the lurch. Petty guru is available to the malicious lure for the more whereas Satguru enjoys the melodious lore for the core. Satguru reads the book of self and insight before reading any scripture and its intellectual interpretations. An interpreter is a traitor, he deceives himself and others; he does not realise that he spreads mental pollutions under the garb of 'pious thoughts'. Satguru knows that real religious consciousness gathers energy to see the facts of mind-ego matrix which is the framework of cravings, fear and dependency rather than wasting energy to seek escapes in the fragmentation, fabrications, fascinations of the pursuits and paradoxes of the various parameters and protective mechanisms of the mind-ego structure. Satguru shuns the psychological time generated by the phenomenon of becoming and conditioning and is thus free from conflicts, contradictions, divisions and dissentions. Freedom from psychological time is emanation into a new dimension of time which is unrelated to even chronological time and biological time. This is perhaps the state of the timeless one, a state of greatest enlightenment, a state of Samadhi (which is absolute and unconditional wakefulness, not a state of coma) in which normal performance of daily task is also possible. Satguru does not deliver sermons, nor does he issue moral warrants to engage you in your guilt and gullibility. Rather he bestows the gift of comprehension and compassion without concepts and conclusions.
'Sat" means good. So to find a Satguru, that is, a good guru; you must have to be a good disciple which means a disciple totally free from the process of wanting and getting, totally free from greed and fear. Otherwise, you will run into those gurus who will utilise your greed and search for gratification, your fear and frustration to exploit you, to hook you, to book you and to cook you. Such gurus will lure you with reward or warn you of punishment, issue all kinds of promises and threats which are nothing but the basic ingredients of the mind, viz. greed and fear. Satguru's message is not he, but you. He asks you to look at yourself, to burn your greed and fear in the goodness and fire of your intense seeing, without seeking anything. Then you are a light to yourself and not dependent on guru. Then Diwali is always with you, not just once in a year. Diwali is ending of darkness which really means ending of mind with its virus of vanity and vested interests and ushering in the new light of life with its virtue and veracity.
Happy Diwali to all Kriyabans.
Jai Laxmi, the light of wealth and well being.
Jai Kali, the destroyer of darkness and evil.