Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 051- Twenty five precious perceptions about living and life


Merano, Italy

November 7, 2002


Life is for living; not for longing and languishing.

Life is for being; not for becoming, bigotry and battles.

Life is for contemplation; not for craving and calculating.

Life is for de-conditioning of the mind and ego; not for delusions, deceptions, distortions, doctrines and dogmas.

Life is for enlightenment and existence; not for excitement and entertainment.

Life is for freedom and not for fetters of various sorts; not for fragmentation and not for fanaticism & fundamentalism.

Life is for goodness and gracefulness; not for gratification; glorification and gullibility.

Life is for holiness and happiness; not for hoax, humbug and hypocrisy.

Life is for insight and inner journey; not for outer ideas, influences, inhibitions and idiosyncrasies.

Life is for joy within; not for jejune jargons and jitters.

Life is for kindness and kinship; not for knocking around and killing.

Life is for meditative awareness; not for myths, mischiefs and mania.

Life is for ‘no-mind’ – phenomenon; not for incarceration into the notorious net-work of thought and its thuggary.

Life is for observation without the “observer”; not for obsessions with that ego-centre.

Life is for profound perceptions; not for perplexities, paradoxes, perversions & paranoia.

Life is for quests spiritual; not for questions superficial.

Life is for renouncing all seeking; not for seeking redemptions galore .

Life is for sanity; not for being a sinner or saint.

Life is for truth, tranquillity and trance; not for tricks, tension and turmoil.

Life is for understanding the Un-nameable; not for the upsurge of cultural conditioning.

Life is for vitality and virtue; not for vanity and vulgarity of vested interests.

Life is for wisdom of innocence; not for words of ignorance.

Life is for ecstasy and euphoria; not for expectations and ego-trips.

Life is for Yoga-Kriya; not for strengthening your “you-ness”.

Life is for zeroing selfishness; not for zealous pursuits of self-aggrandisement.


Glory to Swadhyay

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Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. 

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