February 15, 2002
Thought is biological time and chronological time, being the natural and mechanical process of response to challenge and stimulus in daily life. But thinking is psychological time of pursuit and ambition, of wanting and worrying, of vanity and viciousness, of speculation and suspicion, of inhibition and investment, of postulate and paradox of becoming and believing, of comparison and competition, of cultural and conditioned reaction, of cunningness and calculation, of aggressive and acquisitive process and so on and on.
Normal movement of blood in the body is health, but circulation of blood under pressure is disease. Similarly, discontinuous movement of thought as required from time to time to adequately respond to various challenges within the subtle body (i.e. mind) is health, but compulsive and obsessive thinking as a consequence of dependency, attachment and craving is paranoia.
When you are driving a car, thought is functioning as a process of biological and chronological time, but time may not be necessary inwardly i.e. psychologically unless you are under some coercion or compulsion or craving.
When Shibendu is giving a talk, thought is operating as language is being used. But thinking is not necessary, as he is not doing any propaganda to organize an esoteric group, a sect, a cult, a Mafia or association of gangsters under the pretext of religious teaching. In fact, thinking is not the quick movement of alertness and perception and hence it indicated dullness of mind burdened with preconcepts and prejudices, dogmas and distortions.
Kriya Yoga is self-knowledge which is the discovery from moment to moment of the ways of the self; its impulses and intentions, perplexities and perversions, its thinking and theorizing, its appetites and anxieties, without self-knowledge, experience breed illusion.
With self-knowledge, experience does not leave a cumulative residue as psychological memory of I-ness. Then thought does not spring from the sediment of the separative consciousness.
Kriya Yoga is the freedom from thinking as psychological time and is thus the greatest enlightenment. Then the very term ”my experience” indicates ignorance and involvement with illusion.
Long lives Lahiri-Lore