Mahalya –Varanasi, India
October 16, 2001
1. Unless you begin with yourself, do what you will, you will never find the end of sorrow.
2. Observer experiences, observation does not. Quiet consciousness is observation without any obstruction from the observer.
3. No book is sacred. Only words printed on paper, like a newspaper. Sacred is the live-book of the self.
4. Direct perception, not borrowed knowledge, frees you from authority.
5. Worship of authority destroys all understanding.
6. The greatness of man is that none can save him. He has to save himself.
7. It is truth that frees you, not your efforts to be free.
8. Detached affection always acts, it never reacts.
9. There is an eternal reality. It can be discovered only when the consciousness is free from illusion and pollution. Beware of the person who offers comfort, for in this there is exploitation. He creates a snare in which you are caught like a fish in a net.
10. To believe is not to be religious. Belief is the self-protective mechanism of the mind.
11. Clarity does not need to choose.
12. God of a petty mind is a petty God.
13. Experience is the expression of life. In mere accumulation of experience, there is sorrow. In the comprehension of even one experience, there is the bliss of completion.
14. Do not think about yourself, but be aware of the thought that makes you think of yourself.
15. True morality is voluntary action, not compulsive actions compelled through the movement of fear and greed.
16. Hope is a bias which destroys clarity and prevents perception of what is.
17. Ego is the result of impeded or incomplete action. It is the outcome of the activities of the mind and is thus an illusion and a myth.
18. Fear arises out of running away from what is.
19. Mind casts a shadow on the understanding of the eternal.
20. In the understanding of the ignorance of the mind, there is intelligence.
21. Seek truth and you shall know the false. Seeing reveals the truth, not seeking.
22. There is only life. Not you for it to look after.
23. Live fully without defense and dilemma. Unforeseen depths of life will then be revealed!
24. Life comes to those who have an alert, pliable, vulnerable and open mind.
25. It is intelligence that brings order, not discipline.
26. “Ideals” and “isms” do not transform people. What brings about transformation is freedom from inhibition of ideals. This freedom is maturity. Ideal is only mind. Mind is immaturity.
27. Mind in meditation is constant awareness, constant pliability, and clear discernment.
28. Beware of explanations for what can be explained is not truth.
29. Silence is that which goes on while there is talking by Lahiri.
30. Freedom from the known is the understanding of the unknown.
31. If you begin to understand what you are without trying to change it, then what you are undergoes a radical change.
32. Love life, life is.
33. Flattery and insult are born out of ignorance. Receive them both kindly.
34. Essence is the eternity.
35. Every experience must intensify to empty you from that very experience.
36. To be content with little is not spirituality, but to be free from little or from much, is.
37. Suffering itself frees man from suffering.
38. In a moment of vital vulnerability, in a moment of intense insecurity, there is born the sanctity of supreme intelligence, the bliss of sacred energy, the benediction of holy emptiness, the all pervading wholeness. 39. In the flame of love, all fear is consumed.
40. Man is god, for man is life. Be free of the entanglements of creeds, customs, dogmas, doctrines, prejudice, pre-conceived notions. Think simply.
41. To a man who has lost touch with life, there is occultism and mysticism as paths leading to truth.
42. Death is but an incident in ever renewing life.
43. There is only the movement of life, not an idea of progress to be pursued.
44. Compassion is not the shadow of thought. It is light, neither yours nor mine.
45. The division between worldly life and spiritual life is the essence of worldliness.
46. Can we love even those who hate us and are hostile to us? And try to find out why they do so? What then would be our response? Should we then meet hate with hate and rage with rage? What would be the outcome, if this is done? Have we not failed to answer such questions for thousands of years ? If we fail to answer them now, we shall never get an opportunity to do so in future, for we may all be finished in a nuclear holocaust!. Will “Kriya Yogis” help humanity to wake up to this situation?
47. Life is for living peacefully, not to remain pre-occupied and agitated in a cunning system of thought propagated as religion or spirituality.
48. Religion is gathering of energy to see what is.It is not dissipation of energy to escape into what should be.
49. Spirituality is not seeking profit and power, but feeling ecstasy and energy within.
50. Life is free. Song of life is the song of rivers calling for open seas. Wandering, wandering.
Jai Guru
-Glory to the joy of supreme understanding-