Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 037

Chennai, Madras

India, 26 July, 2001


Kriya (working without taking credit, functioning without assuming importance, bearing yet not possessing, leading yet not dominating, understanding without intellect interfering) is the primal virtue. When virtue vanishes, then morality manifests. And great pretence is promoted by the society with its acquisitive and accumulative values of mind and the ego. Renounce this morality and give up sainthood. And it will be hundred times better for everyone. If you tell a lie or two, society calls you a lier. But if you lie ceaselessly, society makes you the President or Prime Minister of your country. You are a murderer to be hanged when you kill one by chance or through confusion. But you are a hero to be honoured when you drop an atom bomb with a cool calculation to kill in millions. In case of small thefts, you are a thief. But you are, of course, a successful businessman when you steal in abundance. This is social morality perpetuated by the mind.


Renounce Profit. Temper desire. Cast off selfishness. And bandits and thieves will disappear. Usefulness comes from what is not there.

Profit comes from what is there.

A vessel is profitable due to its material but is useful only when it is empty.

Stay with the ancient wisdom of emptiness.

Empty the mind, stuff only the bellies.

Weaken ambition, strengthen bones.

Soften the glare of intellect (chitta vritti).

Be available to disembodied, digital, non-mental intelligence (chaitanya). Intellect is fragmented consciousness with its subconscious and unconscious whereas intelligence (Purusha) is pure consciousness without any further ruptures.


Intelligence has energy (Prakriti) -- the spirit of the mother, the valley. Mother never fails, valley never falls.

Intellect is the brute force of fragmentation (mind) and its protective mechanism.


Kriya is not striving. It is flowing like water; feeding life, not formulating mental concepts. Kriya means no fantasy, therefore no fight. Kriya means no beliefs, therefore no blame. Kriya means no wealth & no power and hence no disaster will follow. Kriya means being unimportant so that nobody can disgrace you.


You (disembodied intelligence–energy) are never born. You can never die. Petty intellectual–brutal force is born and dies with the body. You are not body, you are not mind and its mischiefs. Give up all borrowed knowledge and put an end to all troubles.


Don’t have much and thus don’t be confused.

Have little and thus gain much.

Wear out and thus be new.

Be empty and thus be full.

Bend and thus be straight.

Yield and thus overcome.

Don’t display and thus shine.

Don’t justify and thus be distinguished.

Don’t boast and thus receive recognition.

Don’t brag and thus never falter.

Donot quarrel so that no one quarrels with you.


This is the Paravastha (after–state poise) of Kriya.


OM Paravastha OM

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Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. 

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