Chennai, India
August 17,2000
In prayer there is a demand arising out of mind. It is the ache of loneliness, agony of self-centred personality wherein God is "present", only as absence! This God is the product of debates emanating from the logic of theologians.
In meditation there is a detachment, a state of "no-mind". It is an aloneness, a self-emptying process wherein the un-nameable is a tremendous presence. This has nothing to do with the conspiracy of the 'faithfuls' engaging mankind in all kinds of beliefs, bigotry and battles in the name of God. The dialogue in this aloneness emerges from the love of truth.
Prayer arises from the separative consciousness. Meditation springs from innocent and contentless consciousness. In prayer, there is begging and begetting. In meditation, there is bliss and benediction.
Kriya Yoga is performed to exist in even-minded mindfulness. And that is meditation, which is not concentrating and being available to conditioned reflexes as experiences. Meditation is a movement in Tathya (Reality), whereas prayer is a stagnation in Tatwa (Theory). Where there is prarthi (subjective entity), there is no prarthana (prayer). That is why only predicaments, paradoxes and pursuits are promoted and perpetuated by prayer.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Truth Trance Transformation Transcendence