Written Messages

Guruji's Written Messages

Message 020

February 16, 2000


Message from the famous Sri Krishna Temple (in a place called Guruvayur) of Kerala, South India.

Silence may be yet another thought, merely an opposite of agitation. When both agitation and silence are rejected, one comes upon the real silence, which is beyond the reach of the so-called ‘Spiritual Seekers’, who keep collecting systems and techniques for ‘enlightenment’.

Both unhappiness and happiness as experience must disappear for the real happiness which is not available to the crowd of ‘seekers’ loitering in the spiritual market.

The door through which stress and strain, tension and turmoil enter in yourself due to your living style, due to your ambition and fear - - is also the door of exit. Please see this at the outset without loosing the energy of understanding through various systems. There is no doing or non-doing which can lead to the divine. Doer must die for the divinity to be. Ego-trips, however subtle, are trips in the wrong direction. No-mind is the essence.

Without the understanding of the ways of the self, the vain search and indulgence in ‘techniques’ will ultimately lead you to the cigarette smoking mental polluter who has unleashed paranoid centrifugal forces with unabated propaganda activities in the name of Lahiri Mahashay to hook, book and cook simple hearted, sentimental and credulous people. He claims that father asking the son to continue the lineage is not true and he is the only ‘authorised’. This shallow mind has deified Lahiri Mahashay and has thus confined a sacred spiritual process into a petty personality. Lahiri family remains dismayed and disgusted by his activities.

Be aware of those operators of the spiritual market whose fibre of understanding has been damaged by the fragmentation caused by their vanity and vulgarity of self promoting activities.


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