11 Oct. 2022
Mr Gopi Menon's Excellent expression of Energy of Understanding and his capability of communication in totality without any compromise whatsoever.
It is my (Shibendu Lahiri) privilege and joy to share this par excellent Message 455 with all those who know the Art of Listening in Holistic Awareness.
Dear Deborahji,
Baba (Guruji / Shibenduji) asked me to respond to your mail. My name is Gopi and I am one of your brother disciples.
First, to answer your question, since satsangh happens just once a week you could either adjust the time of your kriya practice on that day (if you wish to attend live) or watch the video later. Sergey Eremin of Russia uploads Sunday Satsangh videos on Plex and you may request the link from him. His email address is:
If you attended the satsangh yesterday (9th October, 2022), you would have perhaps heard Baba saying that Swadhyay (knowing the workings of one's mind with all its mischiefs and maladies) leads to freedom from it (the mind) and its conditioning first and kriya practices then consolidate the understanding that naturally result. Even if the understanding does not happen spontaneously in the beginning, the practice of kriyas ALONG with Swadhyay will eventually help remove the stranglehold that conditioning has on you - which is what is preventing you from seeing what is already there.
Conversely, and importantly, the practice of kriya WITHOUT concurrent Swadhyay happening in the body is not just ineffective, but may actually consolidate your mental undertakings and conditionings.
Your visions where Baba drives cars etc. are products of the conditionings in your own body. Perhaps kriyas are being done without swadhyay happening. Swadhyay is something that HAPPENS within one's own body and unlike practice, it is not possible to TEACH someone the process of Swadhyay. That is why, it is suggested here that the Messages be read regularly as this practice may help "kick-start" the Swadhyay process in those bodies where it doesn't happen easily and naturally.
And, while it is not possible to teach how Swadhyay can happen, it IS possible to suggest the following while reading the Messages:
1. The suggestion is that the Messages be read AFTER one does the basic kriyas - pranayam, talabya kriya, nabhi kriya and mahamudra followed by sitting in the dhyan posture of either Niravalamba dhyan or Ajapajap. I presume you continue to do these daily. If not, at least do pranayam daily. After the basic kriyas one's thoughts are silent and hence the chances of the energy of understanding in the messages, hitting you; as you read it; are highest.
2. Read with attention to the words and pause, after each passage, to ponder on what was read. Baba often uses some specific words regularly and repeatedly. Examples are stranglehold of mind, corridor of opposites, Radha process and Dhara process… etc. It is seen that these or similar words are often skipped or ignored by the eyes BECAUSE the mind says "Oh you have heard that before’’. Ponder on these very words; You will be surprised how the true meanings of these reveal themselves effortlessly.
That is the beginning of Swadhyay. In due course you will find it happening naturally and effortlessly in your body :"Effort", here means the effort of the mind-ego complex to compare with past experiences, the effort to judge whether it fits with "your" (mind-ego) conditionings, etc. Swadhyay is ‘me’-deletion, not ‘me’-dictation.
Once swadhyay begins in your body, flashes of understanding happen spontaneously and the cleansing process of kriya practice becomes effective. As must have been explained to you, the various kriyas are meant to work towards stilling the mind. The elimination of mental undertakings, gross and subtle, leads to the awareness of the wholeness.. which, in Sanskrit, is called Ishwara Pranidhan.
However, the first set of kriyas, done with swadhyay, are necessary and sufficient for the Energy of Understanding to emerge. This is the BASE.
Much love sister,
Jai Guru,