Benefícios do Kriya Yoga

Benefits of Kriya Yoga

Benefits of Kriya Yoga

Kriya deconditions and sets the seeker free from the past karma. It transforms fundamentally the gross ego-centre of the seeker into a subtle individual uniqueness which also includes universality. It brings harmony with the wholeness of life by piercing through the ignorance of the ways of self. It is a unique combination of Hatha-Raja-Laya Yoga. It settles the seeker in his natural state in which his body receives instructions only from glands and Chakras. Thought does not interfere as interloper to create psychosomatic problems and pursuits. Kriya Yoga does not tell stories, does not indulge in miracle mongering to keep the seekers amused in poor and paralyzing consolations. Organisations promoting surmises and fictions are stragglers from the path of truth. Kriya Yoga encourages seekers to investigate if experiencer and the experienced can become one unitary movement without any dichotomy whatsoever.



Like his ancestors, Shibendu Lahiri is also a house-holder and has passed through all aspects being a human so that spiritual journey does not appear too steep for the seekers. He received high university education and supported his family well, through remunerative jobs. His two daughters and their husbands are specialised medical doctors and his only son, also married, is an erudite engineer.



Since 14 January 1988, Shibendu spends his time sharing the teachings and the kriyas all around the world. Year in and year out, he travels at the invitation of devotees and disciples. Countries he has covered so far are: USA (including Hawaii and Puerto Rico), Canada, Australia, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Switzerland, Austria, South Africa, Mauritius, Chile (South America), Norway, Singapore, Malaysia, Germany, Bulgaria, Russia, Nepal, Sweden, Netherland, England, New Zealand, Brazil, Greece and of course, various places in India. Many other nationals also came to him during his kriya-Yoga programmes in many places.



Shibendu Lahiri has no organisation, institution, sect or cult. He has no ambition to influence anybody. He only invites seekers to share the insight which flowered, generation after generation, through Kriya process. His yearning is to see that human beings live in peace and amity without ache, agony and animosity, without this monstrous culture of killing and being killed in the name of some fragmented flag or phoney fanatic idea in the name of religion

Actualizações recentes

A Kriya descondiciona e estabelece o buscador num estado de Liberdade em relação ao karma do passado. Ela, fundamentalmente, transforma o centro-ego do buscador numa singularidade individual subtil, que também inclui universalidade. Ela traz harmonia com a totalidade da vida conseguindo penetrar para lá da ignorância dos modos do eu.


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